About School


  1. Mont fort Children Academy, Laksar,Haridwar(u.k)
  2. Affiliation No.  3530307
  3. School Code 81534
  4. Address:- Goverdhanpur Road ,Laksar, Haridwar (u.k)
  5. Principal Name & Qualification:- Mrs.Kusum Devi( M.A.,B.ED)
  6. Email- jasveer.mca@gmail.com 
  7. Contact Details – 9897612670 




Year of the foundation 2006
NOS by State 12-02-2010
1st opening school 01-04-2006
Name of the Society Pramod Devi Vidya Pracharni Samiti, Laksar
Name and official address of the manager Jasveer Singh
Designation Manager
Address Vil- Basera, Khader
  Post – Laksar
  Distt – Haridwar
Location of School Nearest Railyway Station – 1km, Nearest Nationlised UNION BANK 1KM
Category of School Co-education
Medium of Instruction English
Types of School Independent
Society Registration 31-05-2006
Society Registration No. 22846D CBSE Affiliation
Land 2 Acres
Manager Jasveer Singh
Chairman Subhash Chand
Care Taker Ghan Shaym Gupta
Principal KUSUM DEVI

Infra Structure Details

Biology Lab 01
Chemistry Lab 01
Physics Lab 01
Computer Lab 01
Mathematics Lab 01
Library Lab 01
Class Room 40
Others Room 01
Compositive Lab  01
Sports Room 01
Multipurpose Hall 01
Waiting Room 01
Manager Office 01
Waiting Room  01
Principal Office 01
Accountant office 01
Clerk Office 01


Teachers Team

P.G.T 12
P.R.T/N.T.T 19
T.G.T 20
Librarian 1
P.T.I 1

MCA,a temple of learning came into existence on 23 march 2005 under the founder chairmanship of Shri Jasveer Singh Baserda. The school imparts education upto class 10+2 on the C.B.S.E. Board, English Medium co-education School affiliated to C.B.S.E. New Delhi up to 10+2 with science, commerce & arts stream.
The MCA basically aims at the all round development of children’s personality providing tension free educational environment for a free expression of their inborn talents. coupled with their acquired skills in terms of performances in the various fields of activities that the school always opens to them.
Excellence in academic performance through quality education is the primary objective of the school and complimentary to this, are its efforts to inculcate values in building citizen of tomorrow’s India. The quality based values, leadership, spirit of tolerance, healthy rivalry, awareness of duties towards their nation and its integration, purit of thoughts and mind, desire to help other and extend co-operation and selfless service to humanity at large.
We encourage the individuality of every child and yet at the same time inculcate in her/him sense of responsibility and consideration for others. We believe that finally a person is worth not what he has but what he does. We trance and follow her/his academic progress and provide an environment in which we enable him/her to develop his/her talent in dance, music, art, writing and communication, game and co-curricular/activities. All the student are expected to participate in the major games organized by the school and take part in routine physical training. We also offer facilities for indoor games.